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whats on my mind?
thats the first question i got today.  i heard rehearsed this question over and over again in my head and i knew the answer. But didnt know it when i was asked so i reflectd on the night before my mind went to its usual places( i hear its the left side of the brain) i remembered waking up by that hoarse melody they call an alarm- so am up cursing why i have responsibilities so early in the day i look out and its cold. if am to be asked whats on my mind i would say its early and its cold. then my phone informs me i have two missed calls - who calls after am asleep and expects me to holla- so in my indecency i call back at 6 am and he still doesnt answer. now am, cold early and am making calls. after hot tea am good and ready to go. its firday and i cant be late like those other days (fcuk monday and tuesday) coz there is no jam, now am ready for jobo. i see my workmates bullying another one and she takes it like its her right (how are ladies made?) then am asked to fix something that is already working- what do you think is on my mind now?
so i try then everything that goes wrong.... goes wrong now am annoyed with a mesed up computer and do u know who he is going ot blame- whats on my mind now? 
then my addictinon kicks in and i have to get my fix. this time am not dissapointed.
to answer your question whats on my mind am doing fine good times only

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