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MBA Interview

I have been emailed, a couple of days ago and was invited for an interview to the B-School that I had applied to last week. I want to say the name but am not sure about the legal issues and if it could have an effect for my chances to get in or not. So let's just say I contacted 4 schools last week, applied to all four, and they all invited me for an admission interview. I am not sure but I think interviews could be my Achilles' heel, as I have had little experience with them and am never sure if I am answering correctly.


My last admissions interview went well, I only had a problem with two questions as I didn't think I gave them the right answers. Maybe that was my downfall in the reason why I didn't get in. But that it is in the past and this blog will be all about positive energy. So right now am going through all possible interview questions and practising my answers I will not be caught off guard again!!! Never again!!! I feel calmed and relaxed which was different from my last experience, everything is at stake but I feel no pressure.


I just want to prepare adequately, answer the questions and I hope I am able to translate all my experiences properly for the school. I love this school for one reason only, ok many reasons, but I am going to say this, they work really fast. I am way past their deadlines and I love how things are moving quickly with them. When I get in I will encourage anyone who wants an MBA to apply to this school, because the level of professionalism is unparalleled, I also love their speedy responses.


Anyways wish me luck with my interview, I am going to need it.

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