The Lightning Tree

I have just read the novella, ok to be honest I read it last night but I wasn't feeling energetic to write about it then. But now I am well rested and am ready to talk about the novella. If you haven't read the novella, don't worry I won't post any spoilers, I will leave that to the more experienced readers and who can see more than I do in the books and the bastards. So am going to give you guys a brief summary of the books on how I got to them.
I used to travel a lot at the beginning of this year, and late last year. The time I spent on the road was roughly 8 hours and I was looking for things to do while am on the road. I was using public transport and at first I thought I should put tv series on my tablet which worked fine. I was able to watch the first three seasons of Downtown Abbey, I should resume watching them I like Lord Danton. In my frequent journeys, it reached a point where I wanted more from my journey and decided to get an audio book. I knew audio books were like 15 hours, and the drain on my tablet battery was much less. So I googled top ten fantasy books and got to The Name of the Wind. I read the review, and it had magic and since I like magic I got the book. Who doesn't like magic? That is how I was introduced to the world in the mind of Patrick Rothfuss – the author.

The novella is from the King Killer Chronicles by Patrick Rothfuss, this dude has a beard, it's a trilogy
with the first one called, The Name Of The Wind, second is A Wise Man's Fear and the last which will be released in 2015 will be called Doors of Stone. I have read the first two and I was captivated by it, I have always been a fan of fantasy, magic and the old world. I get lost when I read about the Lord of the Rings world, but that is not why am writing this. So the books follow the life of Kvothe, the main character who has done so much and he is only I think 26 (People on the net argue his age). He narrates his story to an author who writes down it all, while at the same time he is there with his assistant Bast. I won't go any further into the two books more than that, because well its two books I can't summarize them in one post.
Patrick decided to write a story about Bast, who is the main character in the Lightning Tree. I was really interested to learn about Bast since he is part of the fae and I wanted to know more about them. Sure enough, the story talks about fae and gives it more back story and the problem it creates is ask more questions than it answers. Why Patrick, why?
Am a big fan of this book, and I salute Patrick and his beard for all the great work he has done and I am looking forward to the next book. Apparently the first two books have secrets in them that Patrick hid for the astute to find them. So please astute people find them and share them with me. Pretty Please. If you have read the first two book sand didn't know about this here is a secret: Kvothe is the nephew of Meluan Lockless. Dum dum dum…
P.S. I completely forgot to mention that the other book from Pat coming out this November is The Slow Regard Of Silent Things - a book about auri now ... already excited 

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