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Lessons learnt

Today I embarked on a new journey, I promised myself with all the free time I will have I will learn accounting and how to use Excel properly. I started with the latter because you can change the colour of the images easily. It was much easier to learn as I went to YouTube to look for video tutorials which are explained well. I am going to look for the person I learnt from and send him a shout out. It was a lecturer from some university I will check that and get back to you with that. It was interesting to see what you can do with Excel, I wish I learnt it when I was looking at Google Analytics and AdWords because all I had were figures and I didn't know how to interpret them. right now I still have figures and I don't know how to make head or tails of them and with that I will keep looking at excel, looking for more detailed explanations on the practical applications so that it I can interpret the data rather than just feeding the data. I got a 2 hour lesson and it was very informative, well explained and very easy to follow. I am glad about that. I am looking forward to looking at more complicated excel sheets and how to read the data.

I love how when you are learning something new the information you are given overwhelms you at first. Yes this is me talking about accounting, I have always been good with numbers and manipulating them but when you put numbers and words together that is a whole different story. I am learning that when you put money into an account you are debiting it and when you spend that money you are debiting it. I hope I got that right because right now I am confused about the whole issue. I honestly wonder how long it will take me to properly understand accounting. I must admit I was running a business without proper accounting knowledge and yes our books were a mess if we had any. So this is me taking a step forward wading through accounting waters learning from a book that is very – how do I put it – accounting for dummies- a book that is basically insulting me for not knowing. Although the challenge is to get better so it can call me any names as I can learn from it.


Until we meet again

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